
If you have received your acceptance email, you are now able to register in the conference. To do so, the following steps must be performed:


i) You need to update your submission, used formerly to send us CV, motivation letter etc... to a real submission for a poster. To do so:

ii) Log in the website and check the "My submissions" page (or click here after log in);

iii) The status of your submission will be "Awaiting update." Click in the  edit icon and update your submission following the website suggestion. Put the title of your work in the "title" field and your abstract in the "abstract" field. In the "topic" drop-down menu, select "Poster section";

iv) In the next page, edit the authors accordingly;

After performing these actions, you can proceed to the payment of the school. This is done in a dedicated external website following the observations below:

- You must chose between single or double rooms, which are 800 and 700 , respectively;

- For non-french attendees, payments are only possible through credit card. French attendees may ask for a 'facturation interne' directly through Colloque Azur, if they belong to a CNRS lab.

- The choice of your roommate in the 'double room option' will be dealt with at a later time, taking into account your preferences.


The website for paying:

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